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Red Wall & Stairs

Episodic Care

Starting the therapy with the end in mind. 

When the episodic counseling starts, we will talk together about the indicators or signs to let you know what the end of this counseling episode would be. We will not create recurrent weekly or bimonthly set appointments.


Instead, you will make your appointment

  • as we go

  • based on your needs and your goal

  • on your comfortable and doable pace


There is no set number of sessions the therapist expects you to attend. You will attend as many sessions as you will need to meet your goals and the results you want from attending mental health therapy.

What is in it for clients?


           Right amount just when you need it.

Therapy can be more accessible than having weekly meetings for a long time, like several months or over a year.  You will attend therapy sessions whenever you need to consult with someone about what is going on at hand. 

            No pressure to keep meeting.

A client and therapist will have an understanding that the meeting will end sometimes. Creating changes in your life for the better may well be a lifetime commitment. But therapy does not have to be. The client can end the therapy meetings by saying that “It was enough meetings. I am good for now”.

            Having more hope.

Knowing the therapy can end can boost the feeling of hope. This will help clients to look for hopeful signs that they can achieve these goals and signs that something already started happening. 

            Purposeful and motivating meeting.

 You will be in the driver's seat in deciding when you have the next meeting and how long you are in therapy. It emphasizes the belief that you know yourself the best and you are your best advocate. It can be easier to fit into your schedule because of the flexibility.


A client may feel like their money is well spent because every meeting has mutually agreed, clearly defined attainable goals. Instead of “meeting just because we have ongoing weekly appointments and don’t know what to talk about”, episodic therapy may help the meeting be purposeful and engaging.   

How do I ask for episodic therapy?


Simply call us or contact us using the form below.

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